I don't usually approve of the kind of sweeping generalizations that politicians like to make, such as "McCain is running for Bush's third term."
But what else can I think when I see this?
Republican U.S. presidential candidate John McCain said on Wednesday he would not rule out launching preemptive wars against future enemies.
Let the name-calling begin!
I heard a local radio DJ say yesterday that a large number of historians have named GWB as the worst president ever. The DJ thought that it was premature to say things like that about a currently sitting president before history has had a chance to take its course. But considering the precedents that Bush has set in terms of pre-emptive war and disrespecting the rule of law, I can understand the historians' point of view.
The sad thing is, that last link you posted is from two years ago, and it's gotten worse.
Posted by: Jen R | Thursday, April 10, 2008 at 08:49 PM
As a Canadian I love it when I stumble across the blog of intelligent American women. My knowledge of American politics grows with insight that main stream media could never provide.
We'd love to see you listed at Herblogdirectory.com
Posted by: Karrine | Saturday, April 12, 2008 at 08:29 PM