This article from Britain's Daily Mail features color-coded maps that show the level of segregation or integration of some of the largest cities in the U.S.
This article from Britain's Daily Mail features color-coded maps that show the level of segregation or integration of some of the largest cities in the U.S.
This past Sunday, my father preached out of Luke chapter 13. Hear what Jesus had to say about people who are victims of terrorist attacks and natural disasters (emphasis mine):
1 There were present at that season some that told him of the Galilaeans, whose blood Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices.
2 And Jesus answering said unto them, Suppose ye that these Galilaeans were sinners above all the Galilaeans, because they suffered such things?
3 I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.
4 Or those eighteen, upon whom the tower in Siloam fell, and slew them, think ye that they were sinners above all men that dwelt in Jerusalem?
5 I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.
Contrast with Pat Robertson, who is convinced that the reason there was so much loss of life in Haiti is not because of an unsafe infrastructure, but because those people are so much more evil sinners than the rest of us that they deserve more misery than we do.
Like a lot of people, I was majorly surprised to hear that President Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize. I would have thought that he has only gotten a start on his stated goals in international relations.
But perhaps this is a sign to us Americans of how bad our international image had become before Obama took office. You all know how deep my feelings go about the Bush doctrine of pre-emptive war (if you don't remember, let me remind you). If the most powerful country on earth has a foreign policy as dangerous as that, maybe it really would be viewed by other nations as the world's biggest problem. Maybe the election of a new president who is going in a different direction is so great a relief that it really would merit the Nobel Prize.
UPDATE: I just made a debate web page on this topic. Go give your opinion about whether it makes sense to give Obama the Peace Prize.
I've always loved this old song, and now it seems timely again.
If I ever get a job again,
I will never be a snob again;
I'll live within my means, carry a dollar in my jeans,
If I ever get a job again.
If I ever get a break again,
Brother, what I'll do to steak again!
No turning out the light bidding my appetite good night,
If I ever get a break again.
I'll get two rooms and a kitchenette,
Furnished comfortably;
With two rooms and a kitchenette,
I'll get a sweet somebody to move in with me!
If I ever get a job again,
I know that two hearts will throb again,
She told me with her eyes we'll be rehearsing lullabies,
If I ever get a job again.
If I ever get a job again,
I will never be a snob again!
I'm through with stocks and bonds, I'd rather spend it all on blondes,
If I ever get a job again!
If I ever get my pay again,
I'll save it for a rainy day again,
But let me tell you, bud, I'm gonna save up for a flood,
If I ever get my pay again.
I'll get two suits and an overcoat,
Like a millionaire!
Just two suits and an overcoat,
And then when things get better, I'll buy underwear!
If I ever get a job again,
With my old friends I'll hobnob again,
What great fun it will be saying, "Just have one more on me!"
If I ever get a job again.
"One of the worst disasters in our nation's history [Hurricane Katrina and its aftermath] became one of the biggest disasters in Bush's presidency," he writes.
"The perception of this catastrophe was made worse by previous decisions President Bush had made, including, first and foremost, the failure to be open and forthright on Iraq and rushing to war with inadequate planning and preparation for its aftermath."
Mr McClellan stops short of saying Mr Bush lied about the reasons for going to war in Iraq, but says his administration orchestrated the build-up so that force became the only real option.
Quoted by the Washington Post, he writes that "it was all about manipulating sources of public opinion to the president's advantage" and chides the media for failing to ask enough questions.
"No-one, including me, can know with absolute certainty how the war will be viewed decades from now when we can more fully understand its impact," he says.
"What I do know is that war should only be waged when necessary, and the Iraq war was not necessary."When I used to see McClellan on TV, it always seemed to me that he looked very uncomfortable as he did his job. Having to repeat and defend lies that weren't even his own, it looked like it was making him feel ill. Very different from other White House spokescritters (like Tony Snow) who seemed to thoroughly enjoy the task. I actually felt sorry for Scott when I watched him. I'm NOT excusing him for lying to me, but it was clear that he wished he were somewhere else.
Fellow citizens, I want to take a little time to describe to you my vision of the things I will accomplish in four years if you select me to be your leader.
I cannot guarantee that I will achieve these things, but I will recite them anyway because you deserve a leader who understands the power of positive affirmations as a public policy strategy. When I describe these goals, I will use present perfect tense verbs, so that you will feel as if they have already happened.
By the year 2013, America has become an idyllic place. The traffic jams that plague our roads have been vanquished, although we still suffer the lingering effects of the occasional stalled car in the slow lane. Earthquakes have been prevented, and we have daytime temperatures of 72 degrees year 'round.
I should probably reiterate that I cannot guarantee these results, but this is my vision.
Four years from now, there is no longer any place in the world that is a safe haven for talentless pop stars to plan their efforts to target our precious children.
Also, by 2013, our nation's single men have overcome their fear of commitment. They have learned how to recognize a good thing when they see it, and they are proposing to acceptable women by the fifth date or sooner. Russia and China are cooperating with us as well, resulting in the end of the worldwide man shortage. Adultery has also been eliminated (while there may be flare-ups at times, they are spasmodic and much reduced).
As I said before, these things are not guaranteed.
If you believe in these goals, then you want me to lead this country. Really, you do.
I don't usually approve of the kind of sweeping generalizations that politicians like to make, such as "McCain is running for Bush's third term."
But what else can I think when I see this?
Republican U.S. presidential candidate John McCain said on Wednesday he would not rule out launching preemptive wars against future enemies.
Let the name-calling begin!
I heard a local radio DJ say yesterday that a large number of historians have named GWB as the worst president ever. The DJ thought that it was premature to say things like that about a currently sitting president before history has had a chance to take its course. But considering the precedents that Bush has set in terms of pre-emptive war and disrespecting the rule of law, I can understand the historians' point of view.
I'm realizing that the thing that most has my stomach in knots about Rev. Jeremiah Wright is maybe less about the effect he might have on the campaigns and more about the fact that I, and probably all black people, know people like that. People who can be just fine in some areas, but they also have that freaky black-paranoid-rage streak. And from time to time they say this stuff that make you feel so queasy. And you get used to putting up with it, but you really, really hope that they never say it in front of non-black people, because you know that other people will think that black people are totally nuts. And now, here's our dirty laundry on the front pages of major newspapers. It's been a rough week.
At the beginning of the election season, there was a vibe coming from the Hillary Clinton campaign that she represented almost a "two-for-one" candidacy. Vote for me, and you get Bill, too.
Now she's hinting at another package deal. Don't worry about choosing between Barack and me. Just vote for me, and you'll get us both (maybe).
Stand on your own, Senator!
Looks like there's a pattern here . . .
There was this:
McCain, Romney acrimony dates back to the Olympics
And now this:
A contentious relationship between Mr. McCain, Republican of Arizona, and Mr. Obama, Democrat of Illinois, has been percolating on Capitol Hill for more than two years.
Mr. McCain seems to have a talent for getting on people's bad side (and then having to compete against them later for a job).
Homeschooling mom, midwife, and Christian pro-life liberal in Los Angeles.
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